Practical 2: Text File Analyzer


In this lab, you will create a Python program that analyzes a text file and calculates various statistics using control structures. This exercise will help you practice file handling, string manipulation, and using loops and conditionals in Python.

Submission Date: October 28th


  • Basic knowledge of Python syntax
  • Understanding of file operations in Python
  • Familiarity with control structures (if statements, loops)

Lab Steps

Step 1: Open and Read a Text File

First, let's create a function to open and read a text file:

def read_file(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:

# Test the function
content = read_file('sample.txt')
print(content[:100])  # Print the first 100 characters

Step 2: Count the Number of Lines

Now, let's count the number of lines in the file:

def count_lines(content):
    return len(content.split('\n'))

# Test the function
num_lines = count_lines(content)
print(f"Number of lines: {num_lines}")

Step 3: Count Words

Next, we'll count the total number of words in the file:

def count_words(content):
    return len(content.split())

# Test the function
num_words = count_words(content)
print(f"Number of words: {num_words}")

Step 4: Find the Most Common Word

Let's find the most common word in the text:

from collections import Counter

def most_common_word(content):
    words = content.lower().split()
    word_counts = Counter(words)
    return word_counts.most_common(1)[0]

# Test the function
common_word, count = most_common_word(content)
print(f"Most common word: '{common_word}' (appears {count} times)")

Step 5: Calculate Average Word Length

Now, let's calculate the average word length:

def average_word_length(content):
    words = content.split()
    total_length = sum(len(word) for word in words)
    return total_length / len(words)

# Test the function
avg_length = average_word_length(content)
print(f"Average word length: {avg_length:.2f} characters")

Step 6: Combine Everything into a Main Function

Finally, let's combine all these functions into a main function that analyzes the text file:

def analyze_text(filename):
    content = read_file(filename)
    num_lines = count_lines(content)
    num_words = count_words(content)
    common_word, count = most_common_word(content)
    avg_length = average_word_length(content)
    print(f"File: {filename}")
    print(f"Number of lines: {num_lines}")
    print(f"Number of words: {num_words}")
    print(f"Most common word: '{common_word}' (appears {count} times)")
    print(f"Average word length: {avg_length:.2f} characters")

# Run the analysis

Exercises for Students

  1. Modify the program to count the number of unique words in the text.
  2. Add a function to find the longest word in the text.
  3. Implement a feature to count the occurrences of a specific word (case-insensitive).
  4. Create a function to calculate the percentage of words that are longer than the average word length.


In this lab, you've created a text file analyzer using Python. You've practiced file handling, string manipulation, and using control structures like loops and conditionals. The modular approach we've taken allows for easy expansion and modification of the program.

Remember to test your code with different text files to ensure it works correctly in various scenarios.