Practical_Work Submission Guideline

GitHub Repository Structure

Create a new GitHub repository for your lab submissions with the following structure:

SWE_Practical_Works/ # this is the repo name and not a directory under the repo.
├── # description about the repo and what have you implemented
├── lab2/
│   ├──
│   ├── sample.txt
│ . . . 
├── lab8/
│   ├──

Submission Process

  • Create a new GitHub repository named SWE_Practical_Works following the structure outlined above.
  • Implement each lab in its respective directory.
  • Commit once per lab - there should be a total of 8 commits.
  • Once you've completed a lab, you NEED TO COMMIT AND PUSH to your github repo and your commit message should be the lab that you did: E.g: "lab1"
  • Submit the GitHub repository URL and the specific release tag for each lab to your instructor through the Excel sheel provided.