Unit 1 Challange Ex

Fruit Transaction Analysis

In this challenge, you'll work with a file containing fruit transaction data. Your task is to read the file, process the data, and perform some calculations. Follow the steps below to complete the challenge.


  1. Make sure you're in the challenge-ex directory.
  2. Create a new file called ex-ch1.py.
  3. Get the input file fruit_transactions.txt from your CSF Tutor (Kamal).

At the end of the challenge, your directory should look like this:

├── challenge-ex/
    ├── ex-ch1.py                 # Student's solution file
    ├── fruit_transactions.txt    # Input data file
    └── transaction_summary.txt   # Output summary file (created by student's code)

Exercise Steps

  1. Open the file:

    • Use the with statement to open fruit_transactions.txt in read mode.

    Hint: Remember to use the open() function and specify the file mode.

  2. Read the file contents:

    • Read all lines from the file into a list.

    Hint: You can use the readlines() method or a list comprehension.

  3. Process the data:

    • For each line in the file: a. Split the line into its components (name, action, quantity, item, price). b. Convert quantity to an integer and price to a float.
    • Store this processed data in a suitable data structure (e.g., a list of tuples or dictionaries).

    Hint: The split() method will be useful here. Don't forget to handle the newline character.

  4. Calculate total sales:

    • Sum up the total value of all "sold" transactions.
    • Print the result.

    Hint: You'll need to use a loop and an if statement to check the action.

  5. Find the most popular fruit:

    • Determine which fruit was involved in the most transactions (regardless of action).
    • Print the fruit name and the number of transactions.

    Hint: Consider using a dictionary to keep track of fruit counts.

  6. Calculate average transaction value:

    • Compute the average value of all transactions (price * quantity).
    • Print the result rounded to two decimal places.

    Hint: You'll need to keep a running sum and count of transactions.

  7. Identify the biggest spender:

    • Find the person who spent the most money on "bought" transactions.
    • Print their name and the total amount they spent.

    Hint: Another good use case for a dictionary!

  8. Write a summary report:

    • Create a new file called transaction_summary.txt.
    • Write a summary of your findings (total sales, most popular fruit, average transaction value, biggest spender) to this file.

    Hint: Use the with statement again, but this time open the file in write mode.

Bonus Challenge

If you finish early, try to create a simple bar chart using ASCII characters to visualize the popularity of each fruit.

Remember to add comments to your code explaining what each section does. Good luck!